I just finished reading the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan this week. It's really making me challenge myself and make me remember my love for living simply! He describes in the book his church and that their budget is 50/50. They work with 50% and the other 50% goes to a donation. His thought is that they should sacrifice so that they are allowing others to have just as much as they have. I love that idea. I hope that Alex and I can live that way. Chan challenges the readers of his book to live radically-even when that means being called crazy.
Alex has also been convicted of this simple living idea while he's been at camp. He thinks differently about buying clothes and things that he "needs." He wants to buy less stuff and give more away.
Could I have met a more perfect match for my life? I was so encouraged by Alex telling my what's been on his heart because it's been on my heart too. Just think of what God can do through us, through our small offering! I'm praying for something great to happen as we start preparing our life together!
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