Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Life After Marriage

Every now and then, I wonder what it will be like after the wedding. First and foremost, I am thrilled to get married and live with Alex. I think we will make a wonderful team, just as we are now. Second, it will be nice to finally have a home together, no longer having to say goodbye at the end of dates or meet up before we go somewhere. Third, it just sounds like so much fun!

At the same time, I will be living with a boy. A b.o.y. I have two brothers. I've also seen Alex's sink when he doesn't clean it regularly. I know how guys live and in many ways, it is completely opposite of the way I live. I know we'll figure it out, but I know I'll probably be cleaning a lot more than he does, for my sake, and putting down the toilet seat often. :)

Then again, there are plus sides to living with a boy. He'll be there to kill bugs when I'm not and reach the top shelf of the cabinet because we still haven't bought a step stool. He'll fix things and put things together and set up stuff. I mean, I know how to do most everything you need to know because I've lived in an apartment before, but I like that I will have someone there to do it for me and help me.

It will be interesting figuring out schedules when we live together. We'll begin to know when the other comes home, what each of us likes to do before we get to something around the house and little nuances like that.

I'm just really looking forward to it. 7 months til December 17, 2010!

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