Foreword: I am terrible at blogging regularly...not like anyone reads my blog but I hate seeing that it's been so long since I have posted something.
Probably the biggest thing that has happened since I last posted is me getting my dream job as a nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. It has been a struggle adjusting to a different work schedule and getting used to a new job. I am still working as needed, usually one time a week, at The Allergy and Asthma Group where I was. They started training me to work in the office part, not just in the shot lab, so at both of my jobs I am learning new things! I work nights at the hospital which is 6:30 pm to 7 am. Completely opposite of my husband's, our families', and friends' schedules so I feel like it's a small miracle when I can hang out with friends. That's a little dramatic because sometimes I get 5 days in a row off and I'll get to do a lot. Usually the way it works out though, everyone is busy when I'm off and free when I'm working; then I feel really left out and lonely. Night shift sleeping schedule is not a breeze either. I don't sleep nearly as well during the day. I usually wake up every hour scared to death I've over slept or my cat wakes me up or a text message will wake me up or a leaf blower or someone's washing machine...I could go on and on. AND when I can sleep at night, I don't sleep well either because my body has gotten used to working at night. I barely ever get a solid 6-7 hours of sleep. That I'm sure will at some point start taking a toll on my body but for right now I feel pretty good despite the lack of sleep. The worst thing about night shift is not being at home with Alex at night. That used to be my guarenteed time with him since he's also super busy. We have to go week by week, day by day and plan our time together. Sometimes we'll go three days and see each other maybe three hours. It stinks. Great birth would seriously be a miracle if I were to get pregnant any time soon.
I have to remind myself every day, especially when I'm driving to work knowing that my husband is hanging out with our friends without me, or going to church without me, or my brothers are home from school and it will be three days before I get to spend time with them, that this is God's plan and SO many people prayed that I would get this job! I begged God for this job, knowing this is what I wanted to do all through nursing school. Alex has to continuously remind me to be grateful to even have a job and to have a flexible job and a job that I usually love while I'm there! I also have to remind myself that I'm still pretty new at this job and am still learning the ropes and eventually there will be an opportunity for me to move to day shift. God has a purpose and a plan for me, and it is not an accident that I am where I am! Easy to say, hard to live out.
Alex and I are starting to look for a house! It's stressful knowing how much money it will cost, especially if it's not exactly what you want. Sometimes I feel like it's like picking out your wedding dress. You have to stick to your budget but it's hard to pick out the one that's perfect for you. And once you've bought it, that's it! No more hunting because you can't exchange or return it. I'm looking forward to having something more permanent than an apartment, and making it our's. Alex and I really love HGTV and home repair/renovation so there's already been a trip to Home Depot to pick out flooring we like and paint colors and granite countertops. It's fun to plan. I'm also looking forward to getting a dog!
Speaking of pets, I forgot another big thing that's happened since I last blogged. Alex and I took in a stray cat. Her name is Carla and she is about 2 or 3, according to the vet. She can be very sweet and snuggly when she wants to be, but she is usually very loud, meowing for no reason at all, and sneaky. She really likes to hide under our bed and dart out from underneath when I walk by, giving me a heart attack. She seems to prefer Alex much more than me, as she will sit in his lap and snuggle with him while he sleeps. I'm still getting used to her and so ready for her to have a puppy friend to play with.
I'll try to post some pictures later. I should also do a post about Disney, Passion 2012, and my awesome new scar and bangs! That should be fun.