Hello strangers...it's been a busy summer. I am so happy to have Alex back at home but this by far was the best Fuge experience we've had. Things really do change when you get married, maybe not as far as convenience goes since I wasn't there all summer; but within the staff, they treat you so differently than what we experienced when we were engaged. I really felt like I was apart of the staff, especially when I visited, because everyone knew so much about me and really cared how we were doing. Not to say that didn't happen the last two summers, but there's definitely a "we take you seriously" tone towards married staffers. I met some wonderful, supportive, amazing friends and am a little sad that I won't be escaping to PCB any time soon.
Here's the deal with my job search. I passed the NCLEX (scary nurse licensing board test) in July and have been actively looking for jobs since FEBRUARY. Yes, February. Now I didn't expect to hear anything back until I had passed the NCLEX but I just thought I should put it out there that I have been on the search for 6 months. After I took the NCLEX and passed (woo hoo!), I started getting very, very hopeful. I had applied for several jobs at Erlanger by then. Weeks went by and I still heard nothing. I began applying for any job with RN in the description including Memorial Hospital as well. More weeks have gone by and still nothing. I've started including Parkridge Hospital now. I have now applied for 27 jobs at 3 hospitals and still heard nothing.
It is beyond frustrating, especially knowing that pretty much everyone else in my graduating class (nursing class) has a job. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, or if it's just because I'm not going about this the right way. I don't know a lot of people so I don't have a whole lot of connections, which is also frustrating because that seems to be the only way people get jobs.
I'm praying for something to happen.