It goes without saying that this Father's Day was among one of the most difficult days for Alex since his dad passed away. The first without his dad, and the first one where he actually remembered it was Father's Day. He told me that before this year, he wouldn't remember it was Father's Day until he called his mom and she reminded him. Unfortunately, we didn't think about it before he left for the summer, and therefore, didn't make it the priority that it should have been. There were some issues with him coming home that could have been avoided had we decided ahead of time what we were going to do. But they all got worked out, he was still able to spend time with his stepmom, and we were able to eat lunch with my family.
What I never knew was that Alex's dad didn't really like Father's Day. He didn't like being treated extra special that one day just because it was claimed Father's Day. He wanted Alex to act like he always did and not go out of the way to do anything special just because of the day. Alex would normally call his dad about midday and talk to him just like normal. He really missed being able to talk to him.
At church Sunday morning, one of his professors from school and one of the praise team members asked me how he was doing. I explained as best as I could understand. He told me something that I had never thought of. He said, "Well, Rebecca, you know he will feel like this every year on Father's Day until he is a father himself. Then it will mean something completely different. I always thank [my wife] on this day because she made me a father." When I told Alex that later he just nodded his head. I'd asked him before what he would think if, later down the road when we're ready to have kids, I told him I was pregnant on Father's Day. He didn't like it so much...We talked on Sunday what he would like to do on Father's Day when he's a dad, and he said he wanted it like any other day. Just like his dad. Not that it's anywhere close but I was just curious. I figured maybe talking about having kids would cheer him up a little.
It's been a struggle for me since his dad died because when Alex is having a rough day, I never know what to say. I especially didn't know what to say on Sunday. But he told me I helped him out a lot by just being with him when he was in town, and going with him to see his stepmom. He also had quite a surprise when he went back to camp on Sunday night. All the staff had written notes of encouragement on a Coca Cola can for Alex. He felt so loved. I am so thankful that he has Fuge camp. Although it's difficult for me, I know he is definitely in his element and he is always surrounded by people who love him.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Summer Time
I have thoroughly enjoyed my summer so far. I can't believe a month and a half have already gone by. I have worked most of it, but I have come to enjoy my job, as I feel more comfortable each day. It's crazy to look at someone's shot record and see that I gave them a shot back in May. While it has gone by fast, May feels like such a long time ago. I don't want to wish my summer away, however, Alex is only starting his second week of camp, out of eight...I hate not being closer to him, especially when I have time off. It will be nice to have him all to myself the first week and a half of August before he starts student teaching.
Riverbend is happening. It's so relaxing to just sit by the river and listen to good music. Once you get past all the people, it's not so frantic. I'm looking forward to spending more time at the pool with friends and spending time with Alex, when he is able to come home for the weekend or I'm able to visit there.
I'm still working on wedding plans. The next big goal is to nail down a florist. So far, I've been to two, and may go to a third. Both have shown me mock-ups of what the bouquets would look like with the flowers I want, and I know no matter who I go with, they will be beautiful! The next is the cake, which is pretty much decided, we just need to get it in paper. After the florist, I think I'll get the invitations ordered so I can have them addressed or ready to address before school starts. I'm praying that no one moves. It will just make it so much easier on me this coming semester. My mom and I will venture to Ikea of Atlanta soon to gather decorations for the reception. I love Ikea and she is so looking forward to it.
On a sadder note, a wonderful friend from school is going through a very difficult time. Almost a week ago, her brother and father were in a terrible boat accident, leaving them both unconscious. I'm not quite sure of the details but they are both still in the hospital. Every day we've had tiny bits of good news. One of my favorite things I've heard is that my friend commented on her brother's facebook, talking about how he and her dad both squeezed her hand yesterday. I just cried knowing that it was so encouraging to Camille. Healing requries a lot of waiting that is so difficult for friends and family. We're still praying Tyson and Mr. Ed!
Riverbend is happening. It's so relaxing to just sit by the river and listen to good music. Once you get past all the people, it's not so frantic. I'm looking forward to spending more time at the pool with friends and spending time with Alex, when he is able to come home for the weekend or I'm able to visit there.
I'm still working on wedding plans. The next big goal is to nail down a florist. So far, I've been to two, and may go to a third. Both have shown me mock-ups of what the bouquets would look like with the flowers I want, and I know no matter who I go with, they will be beautiful! The next is the cake, which is pretty much decided, we just need to get it in paper. After the florist, I think I'll get the invitations ordered so I can have them addressed or ready to address before school starts. I'm praying that no one moves. It will just make it so much easier on me this coming semester. My mom and I will venture to Ikea of Atlanta soon to gather decorations for the reception. I love Ikea and she is so looking forward to it.
On a sadder note, a wonderful friend from school is going through a very difficult time. Almost a week ago, her brother and father were in a terrible boat accident, leaving them both unconscious. I'm not quite sure of the details but they are both still in the hospital. Every day we've had tiny bits of good news. One of my favorite things I've heard is that my friend commented on her brother's facebook, talking about how he and her dad both squeezed her hand yesterday. I just cried knowing that it was so encouraging to Camille. Healing requries a lot of waiting that is so difficult for friends and family. We're still praying Tyson and Mr. Ed!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Mark and Megan's Wedding
Last weekend was my future-brother-in-law's wedding. Here are a few pictures from the weekend.
My adorable niece, Abigail. Alex and I call her monkey.

She has the cutest smile!

She has the cutest smile!
Right before Alex drove back to Carson Newman.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Wedding Etiquette
I know absolutely nothing about wedding etiquette. At they answer many a question about wedding etiquette, from the invitation (wording, time, how to stack each piece correctly, etc.) to the budget (who pays for what, when to tip, how much to tip, etc.).
Here is some of the things I did not know. It is so specific!
Money: Traditionally, the bride's family, if they are hosting, covers the cost of mostly everything. Church, reception room, flowers, food, music. The groom's family then is responsible for the rehearsal dinner. They are also "traditionally" responsible for the corsages and boutenniere's of the immediate family members (did not know this!). The groom is then responsible for...the bride's bouquet ("flowers for his 'date'"), boutenierre's for the groomsmen, groomsmen gifts, marriage license fee, officiant fee, wedding rings and honeymoon. I would love to know what Alex would think of all of that. He would probably pay for all that if I asked him to. :) Nowadays, some couples pay for their own wedding and in some cases the bride and groom families split the entire bill. Etiquette is more tradition than anything I think, especially since weddings are evolving into a more individual decision.
Attire: Strapless dresses are considered formal and should be avoided for any wedding that will occur during the day. White ties are also reserved for formal or evening weddings. Thank goodness that the tradition is changing so that brides can do whatever they want. I know so many girls whose dresses are strapless, and they are getting married during the day. Not like it really matters...The only way I could see it being an issue is if a place of worship had a certain dress code. My dress is strapless, and the time for the wedding is 8:00 in the evening. No worries for me.
Invitations: The abbreviation "am" or "pm" should not be mentioned on the invitation. The only time the distinction needs to be made is if the wedding is at 8, 9 or 10 in which you would note either "in the evening" or "in the morning." I would hope that no wedding would take place at 10 at night but do whatever you want, I suppose. The registry should not be included in the invitation at all. The trend of providing an envelope and stamp for the RSVP is not tradition or etiquette, only convenience for the guest. It is not rude to ask them to mail a note in, or email, instead of providing the envelope. Printed labels are a "no-no." Invitations should be hand addressed.
So either this is just stuff you pick up from going to many weddings, or from having a wedding where the families abide by this like the Ten Commandments. I am so glad it's acceptable these days to do whatever you want. I'm sure allowing the groom and groomsmen to wear Converse tennis shoes during the ceremony is not proper etiquette. ;) Who cares?!
Here is some of the things I did not know. It is so specific!
Money: Traditionally, the bride's family, if they are hosting, covers the cost of mostly everything. Church, reception room, flowers, food, music. The groom's family then is responsible for the rehearsal dinner. They are also "traditionally" responsible for the corsages and boutenniere's of the immediate family members (did not know this!). The groom is then responsible for...the bride's bouquet ("flowers for his 'date'"), boutenierre's for the groomsmen, groomsmen gifts, marriage license fee, officiant fee, wedding rings and honeymoon. I would love to know what Alex would think of all of that. He would probably pay for all that if I asked him to. :) Nowadays, some couples pay for their own wedding and in some cases the bride and groom families split the entire bill. Etiquette is more tradition than anything I think, especially since weddings are evolving into a more individual decision.
Attire: Strapless dresses are considered formal and should be avoided for any wedding that will occur during the day. White ties are also reserved for formal or evening weddings. Thank goodness that the tradition is changing so that brides can do whatever they want. I know so many girls whose dresses are strapless, and they are getting married during the day. Not like it really matters...The only way I could see it being an issue is if a place of worship had a certain dress code. My dress is strapless, and the time for the wedding is 8:00 in the evening. No worries for me.
Invitations: The abbreviation "am" or "pm" should not be mentioned on the invitation. The only time the distinction needs to be made is if the wedding is at 8, 9 or 10 in which you would note either "in the evening" or "in the morning." I would hope that no wedding would take place at 10 at night but do whatever you want, I suppose. The registry should not be included in the invitation at all. The trend of providing an envelope and stamp for the RSVP is not tradition or etiquette, only convenience for the guest. It is not rude to ask them to mail a note in, or email, instead of providing the envelope. Printed labels are a "no-no." Invitations should be hand addressed.
So either this is just stuff you pick up from going to many weddings, or from having a wedding where the families abide by this like the Ten Commandments. I am so glad it's acceptable these days to do whatever you want. I'm sure allowing the groom and groomsmen to wear Converse tennis shoes during the ceremony is not proper etiquette. ;) Who cares?!
Wedding Projects
I have been perusing the website (which is amazing for all those who love crafting and DIY projects!) and have found some really cool projects. My goal is to work on some and have them completed before the summer is over. I'm working on having a no-stress-about-the-wedding fall semester by attempting to get everything that I can out of the way this summer. So far, it's going well and it's only June.
These cakes look amazing and delicious! The recipe seems easy...but we'll see! *Note: Obviously, I couldn't make these too far ahead of time since it's food... :)* I'll post some pictures if I can get around to making these.

These two banners are adorable. Hopefully it wouldn't be raining the day of the wedding so the sign on the car wouldn't get wet.

If only my wedding were in the summer...I LOVE parasols and loved them when I was little. I never got to be a flower girl, but would have loved this!

I think I have seen every guest book idea known to man, except this one! Way to go on originality!
This table runner is wrapping paper! You would probably need some heavy duty wrapping paper so it doesn't rip as easily.
Most wedding websites, under their DIY section, have nothing or everything they have looks cheap. I was very impressed with These are inexpensive but they look nice. Martha has done it again, or atleast the people who work for her have. ;)

Most wedding websites, under their DIY section, have nothing or everything they have looks cheap. I was very impressed with These are inexpensive but they look nice. Martha has done it again, or atleast the people who work for her have. ;)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Babies, Anyone?
With all the weddings coming up this summer (one on Saturday kicking off my summer of weddings!), all I've thought about is how fun it will be to have so many friends who are married. I've never thought of the fact that all these people getting married could also get pregnant! Simple concept, right? Boy meets girl, birds and the bees, blah blah blah...I just haven't thought about it. Of course, each couple I know is being careful but you just never know! Ah! I can't believe the thought has never crossed my mind. That's a good thing though.
I would never wish a baby on anyone who is not prepared though. Babies take a lot of time and money and space. For two people who are in school or just out of school, that would be a hectic addition to already busy lives. Babies are blessings as well, though. God's plan will work out and I just pray that we will all take each challenge with stride and lean on each other when we need it.
Just think, in one year there could be a Baby Ford (Mark and Megan's), Baby White, Baby Meeks, Baby Cooze and I guess another Baby Ford (Alex and me) either here or on their way! Crazy! This freaks me out SO much, but you know, we've all got to be prepared. I know that we will be, and we all support each other so much and are all staying in town so if one (or all, bahahahaha) of us were to get pregnant we can help each other out.
No more baby talk.
I would never wish a baby on anyone who is not prepared though. Babies take a lot of time and money and space. For two people who are in school or just out of school, that would be a hectic addition to already busy lives. Babies are blessings as well, though. God's plan will work out and I just pray that we will all take each challenge with stride and lean on each other when we need it.
Just think, in one year there could be a Baby Ford (Mark and Megan's), Baby White, Baby Meeks, Baby Cooze and I guess another Baby Ford (Alex and me) either here or on their way! Crazy! This freaks me out SO much, but you know, we've all got to be prepared. I know that we will be, and we all support each other so much and are all staying in town so if one (or all, bahahahaha) of us were to get pregnant we can help each other out.
No more baby talk.
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