The weekend got started for me on Thursday afternoon, running a lot of errands (i.e. buying hot rollers, and some goodies for the honeymoon). Friday began with helping set up for the reception at the church. Lots of chair ties and vases and candles and jade green galore! The afternoon flew by and we all had to make ourselves leave, including the bride, so we could go get ready for the rehearsal, entrusting her awesome aunts with finishing the reception area. We flew through the rehearsal, with only one bridesmaid tripping! We were soon off to Big River Grille to eat an awesome buffet dinner, including their incredible chocolate cake and some awkward but really fun conversation! The girls and the guys split off for the night. While the guys were getting their crazy on, us girls had a nice, calm, and restful evening, except that Molly and I ended up staying awake til 3 am!
Saturday began at 7 am for the girls. We had brunch at the Choo Choo, then back to the church to get ready. Addie had kept her dress a secret from everyone but her mom, which made it so special when we saw her in her dress. She was so pretty! Her dress was very delicate and just made her look lovely. We took some cute pictures and then we waited...My favorite part of the day I think was when all the bridesmaids gathered around Addie about 20 minutes before the wedding and we all prayed over her. I of course boo-hoo'ed the whole time! Then I cried when I saw Drew and the groomsmen walk out for the ceremony. Then I cried more when I heard the song "Beautiful" by Phil Wickam start playing. And then Drew had tears running down his face when he saw Addie! It was so sweet, but I'm not sure I've ever cried that much at a wedding...not even at my own! The ceremony was perfect and the reception was fun! It was cut a little short due to rainy weather, but fortunately we got everyone outside with bubbles in hand, and wished them off in their antique get-away car before the sky literally fell out and rain and hail poured! It was beautiful and we had a really good time.

5 Things I learned from this weekend:
1) Weddings bring out all types of inappropriateness from everyone (especially me! ;-) )
2) I am SO glad my wedding has already happened and that it was perfect!
3) My cute, black, pretty pretty princess shoes give me ugly, bubbly blisters when worn for 6+ hours.
4) Our little family of friends needs to get dressed up more...we're HOT!
5) Alex is really good at being the best man and I am so lucky to have married him.
I'm not sure what I would do without our family of friends...I love that we're honest and open, loving and accepting, funny and sometimes crude, but we always strive to glorify God through each other and our times together. This wedding really proved that. I'm about to cry just writing this...I need sleep!
Addie and Drew-I hope you are enjoying your honeymoon in Jamaica and that you get much needed rest and relaxation. Enjoy your first week of marriage!